Daniel Strachman
Brian Desmond
Adrian Jones
Jody Flaws, Trinda Blackmore
Ronan Guilfoyle
Philip Craig
Andrew Linford
Calum McKenzie
Brian Burkholder
Gary Linford
Kees Jager
Mads Jensen
William Shaw
Maples Fiduciary Services
Mark Crossan
Michael Renner
Ellen Lederman
Octopus Alternative Investment Fund Management
Nadia Krempt, Marc De Leye
Damian Keane, John Oppermann
Alaina Danley
Leading fund directors & governance firms
The NED Directory
The NED is compiling the first global database of non executive fund directors. It includes directors across fund jurisdictions as well as those based in the UK, US and elsewhere onshore. The directory is being put together to assist investors and managers with their director searches.
Those listed in The Directory are required to have the following:
• Experience in the fund industry
• A degree or professional qualification
If you would like to be included please e-mail Tamara Sims.
Inclusion in The Directory is free for subscribers to The NED
Britta Borneff
Joanne McEnteggart, Femy Mouftaou
Louis Lamotte
Steve Bernat
Mark Crossan, Geoffrey Laboulais
Declan McHugh
Roczanne Solomons
Conor MacGuinness, Niaz Khan
Ireland, Luxembourg